Wednesday, May 12, 2010


just last night, me and dann together with my eldest sister window-shopped for some baby stuff.,it feels so good looking at those cute stuffies in racks.,my sister told me what to buy and what not to buy.,she told me to buy this kind and not this kind.,i'm so excited to buy those stuff for my baby.,but not for now coz we don't know the gender yet.,but then, i can start buying unisex stuff like that of the bottles.,they're so cute!.maybe i'm so overwhelmed with the experience last night.,it's just so good to realize that my tummy's big and sooner or later, the baby will be out and he or she'll gonna use those cute stuff.,gonna start earning now for those stuff.,i love my baby.,i love my future family., :)
(and yesterday was our 8th monthsary)

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