Sunday, September 26, 2010

36 and 37 weeks

my last few weeks of being pregnant:

at 36 weeks, my feet started to swell...really swell.,and it's hard for me to walk coz my feet hurt so much...that's why every night i make sure that they are lifted to ease the pain..

at 37 weeks, went to the hospital for my check up.,weekly check up and monitoring of sept 23, cervix is still closed but there are now contractions...

still at 37 weeks, my feet are really swollen..sewn baby's bumper guard and my feet were really swollen that day (sept 24)

setp 25, i still don't know when i have to monitor my contractions..i can't feel them though my tummy feels so hard outside..hmmmm.,excited for baby.,her crib is now set with all the bumpers and pillows..i sewn baby's guard, stacker and organizer.. :) really personalized :)

waiting for baby...everything's set now..we're ready to welcome her to the world :)